My Thoughts on Gun Control

My Beliefs on Gun Control

In light of recent events I have decided to express my thoughts on the continuing debate of gun control. In recent months there have been a few shootings; one in particular could have been avoided completely if certain agencies would have done their job. Seventeen kids would be alive today if it were not for the FBI.

The shooters preferences have been the Armalite Rifles. Usually just referenced as an AR-15’s. There are many versions of this semi-automatic rifle do to the variety of accessories available. They are reliable, accurate at good distances, and have magazines of different capacities. Most of the uneducated citizens have been brain-washed by the leftist supporting media into believing the AR stands for Assault Rifle. It indeed does not. Assault is an action. It is a Verb. Something that you do. AR stands for Armalite Rifle.

Do I believe there needs to be more “Gun Control Legislation?” ABSOLUTELY NOT! There are plenty of Arbitrary Laws already being enforced in different states by law enforcement officers who are breaking their oath to defend the constitution, many of which are violations of 2nd Amendment rights. There are over 300 Million guns in United States of America. This includes Civilians, Law Enforcement, and the Military. This is based on a Google search. To impose new laws and restrictions on millions of law-abiding firearm owners is not only unethical; it is also unconstitutional.

The 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution states: “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” Let’s break it down to where it applies to the individual person.

(The right of the people), THAT’S EVERY UNITED STATES CITIZEN. Lets repeat that last word. CITIZEN. This does not include illegal foreigners or those with residency or work permits until they have become a UNITED STATES CITIZENS. When you take the OATH OF CITIZENSHIP then welcome aboard.

(To keep and bear arms), That firearms capable of Hunting, Sporting events, Self-Defense, Defense of Home, Defense of Others, and Defense from a Tyrannical Government. In this case the Tyrannical Government is the Liberal Socialist Democrats who want to unethically and illegally disarm millions of law-abiding people for the actions of a handful of criminals and the insane.

(Shall not be Infringed.) This is the key part the dumb corrupt government officials and indoctrinated liberals have a problem with and understanding or accepting. An infringement is defined as: 1. The action of breaking the terms of a law, agreement, etc.; violation. 2. The action of limiting or undermining something.

They cannot legally make laws creating gun-free zones, They cannot restrict the type of firearms or modifications you can own. Even requiring a license or permit to carry is an infringement. These are forms of limiting what rights you have and what you can do.

Without the 2nd Amendment the other rights in the constitution would slowly be stripped away. Freedom of Speech and Press is already being punished by Liberal Socialist Media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and even Google.

What do I think should be done? I think prior to being able to Take a Firearm home there should be a day or two discussing a few subjects. 1. Fundamentals of Marksmanship. 2. Constitutional Rights. 3. States Laws in regards to defensive use. 4. Consequence of breaking the laws with use of firearms. 5. Safe storage from secondary users and prevention from accidental discharge. 6. Encourage frequent use at ranges and join gun clubs and associations. An owner of a firearm should stay comfortable and confident in their choice of firearm. After the classes and range sessions they can be given a state certified certificate and it can also be put in a database that dealers and law enforcement has access to.
Before being able to take a firearm home they should also spend a few sessions at a range firing the type of firearm they intend to purchase. They should be confident and comfortable with it. They should be able to zero it to their sight picture. The biggest mistake many gun owners have is buying a firearm out the case without actually firing it first. They took a gun safety course and assume guns are all the same. They most certainly are not.

Gun dealers should be responsible in who they sale guns to as well. Make sure people who are buying a gun getting it for the right reasons and uses. Buyers should have a clean criminal background check. And that the customer gets a firearm that he/she is safe and comfortable with firing.

I also think that Mental Health Professionals and Law Enforcement agencies need to work more closely together. Other than the mass murderers choice in rifle being common, they all were also on psychological medications which means they had instability issues as well. If the Psychiatric doctors work more closely with law enforcement these kind of people may not get their access to firearms and more people would be alive today. This does not mean everyone should be getting psychological evaluation. Most people with psychological issues are already identified before they are 18 in most cases.

Society as a whole needs to be vocal in preventing the wrong people from being armed. This does not mean violate every ones ones right. The teachers at Parkland, Florida and his class mates all knew Nikolas Cruz had issues and have heard him and seen him make comments saying he would someday do what he did. Police Failed, FBI Failed, and Society Failed, Gun Control Laws did not. If you witness something; Do Something, Say Something.

The younger generation in America, Generally born mid 90’s and after have serious respect issues. They don’t want to respect others. The millennial generation as they are referred to as have been indoctrinated to be anti-constitution, Anti-American, Anti-democracy, Anti-free speech, and hateful toward Christians and Jews. These kids have serious problems. Parents have failed them and liberal socialist teachers have brainwashed them. Most have no common sense. They have no respect for civil Authorities. They created the ANTIFA movement which really is a Fascist movement by definition of their Actions. Many of these are real home grown terrorists. The government needs to data base their members and supporters and keep their hands off of legal firearms and try their best to prevent them from obtaining illegal arms. These kids are just out in Far Left Field and are a danger to civil society.

Every disarmament in the 20th Century lead to Genocide and Mass Murder by their own governments. China, Cambodia, Germany, and Russia just to name a few. The best thing every American can do is stop voting for Liberal Democrats, Vote for conservatives instead, support the US Constitution, Support Civil Rights Organizations like the National Rifle Association (NRA), defend the 2nd Amendment. Fight against Socialism and support your nations Sovereignty.

Some people are saying the Federal Government should raise the firearm purchase age to 21. I FULLY DISAGREE!

1. Women are being raped on college campus’s regularly. Most of these students are under the age of 21. Without having a way to defend themselves many more women will be raped and murdered. Disarmament and infringements would only encourage more. Gun-Free zones are the dumbest thing Liberals have ever come up with. Criminals do not obey laws and Gun-Free zones support their lifestyle.
2. Since America founded its own Military Service Branches; 17 and 18 year old men have joined the military and have been considered mature enough to learn how to safely and effectively fire hand guns, rifles, machine guns, grenade launchers, shoulder fired rocket launchers, tanks, missiles, and throw grenades. I am a US Army Veteran myself. I know what these young men are capable of and mature enough to handle. To assume that civilians of the same age group are incapable of learning how to fire the basic style of firearms is ridiculous. Denying a civilian young man or woman at 18 years of age the right to arm themselves is unethical, morally wrong, and unconstitutional. If you think your own child for one second is incapable of being mature enough for firearms at this point in their life then you have ultimately failed at raising them as a parent or they are mentally retarded in some way.

America really need to focus more on family values, parents need to teach their kids to respect others and how to respect human life, and maybe even finding the Christian religion again for some. Parents and the methods of how they are raising their kids is the biggest problem in America. They are not disciplining their children. They are spoiling them. Liberals are a bunch of self-righteous self-centered, greedy, lazy, want everything for nothing self-entitled dirt bags. Humanity is dying because none of this is being taught. Our nations youth, for the most part, are not being raised properly.

Another issue is the media. You have the liberal media purposely dividing America racially and religiously. They build hate so they will have something to sell the public. Peace does not sell, blood does. They shame the Christians for being too moral while they shade Islamic tendencies, Terrorist activities, and hate for the western culture while wanting to invite more in. America’s youth is being desensitized by the violence on the television, The violence and graphics of video games, the derogatory and explicit lyrics in music. Showing real war footage without blurring out details of the bodies. This messes with some peoples heads. It destroys the conscience. Nothing they will see as they get older will bother them of effect them. It will no longer be an issue that matters.

Let me know what your thought are on these issues.

David Lee Martin

Functional US ARMY Veteran

Noticing Poverty

I had just spent a week in Naga City. A city in the province of Camarines Sur, Philippines. Sadly poverty can bee seen here just about everywhere here in the Philippines. There are relief groups scattered throughout the Islands but I don’t think that their efforts are very impacting. 

While shopping at the SM supermarket I noticed a young boy asking his mom to buy a small drink in the cooler section near produce. It was a fruit drink and didn’t cost much. I took a look a while after they left. It was about 20 pesos or so. Anyways she kept saying no and he was very disappointed with his mom. 

As they were walking away I was looking at his young mother. She looked about 20-22ish in age. He may have been 4 or 5. I had taken a look at her clothing and quickly felt bad for them as most foreigners do when they haven’t experience that level of poverty. Her shirt was worn thin with holes wearing through in different parts and near sewing seams. Her bra was only half clasped in the back, maybe the catch had finally wore out. Her shorts were cut off blue jean pants which had additional holes and not the stylish kind. On her rough feet she had an old pair of cheap flipflop’s that her heals have almost worn through. I felt bad for her and her little boy. 

In her buggy she had only a few items. I really couldn’t make out what it was. I can only imagine that she was spending what little they had available. Hopefully she has the help of the father. But in many cases here, probably not. 

This can be seen just about everywhere around here. One just needs to open their eyes. It’s sad. Hopefully one day their luck will change. I would like to see the Philippines come out of being a 3rd world country burdened with poverty and such sad cases. If I could help them all I would but I am not rich, the government, or an NGO. If this place would ever take common wealth status from the United States their luck might change for the better.

I think the government could do more to help their citizens, but I think they like the division of social casts. Like India, the poor stay poor and the rich get richer. 

All around I see second hand clothing shops with clothes in almost new condition and often wonder if some local politician took donated goods for the poor from abroad and decided to profit on them. I really don’t see how there can be so much second hand goods to sell when there are so many people without and in need.

Thanks for taking the time to read. It’s been a while since I posted anything. I kinda been chilling at home in Caramoan or my apartment in Naga City. I have been lacking motivation lately. Email me if you want my thoughts on any issue’s.
David Lee Martin

Functional US Army Veteran

Baby Guaiabero Parrot

A little boy came by my house with a little surprise. His brother had given him a baby bird that fell out the Mango Tree near his house. It wasn’t injured so it must not have fell far. I offered to buy it from him but he refused to sell. I told him it eats fruits like Guava’s.  He said they were feeding it banana. That’s OK too.

It’s a baby male Guaiabero Parrot. The female has yellow mixed in the feathers and the males blue. On the tips of the developing feathers around his body you can see a few small bits of blue. I shared photos of a matured female a few months ago on a post. 

I need to diet more….

Lucky kid. 
David Lee Martin

Equality Between Men and Women

After much thought I decided to write my thoughts about it. Don’t be upset, its just my opinion. This must really be looked at with an open mind. Men are usually shafted and women want and expect too much. Men are usually on the short end of the stick when it comes to gender rights. Women expect to get their way because of their gender and they usually do.

The first issue is the pay gap women claim is unfair. In such jobs as Fast food and casual dining restaurants I can understand equal pay. However more laborious fields like warehouse work and construction no. How about equal pay for equal effort. Women don’t tend to be able to do all the things physically that a man can do. Sounds sexist I know. But unless the women is a transgender or on steroids; the typical woman is not as strong.

I have no problem working for women. If they have the job knowledge to manage and direct then fine, good for them. I can respect the position if they know what they are doing and successful at it. However I don’t believe women should be promoted or given a raise based on preferential treatment. I seen it many times in the military.

Another issue is Parental rights and custody. Most men I know did not get custody of their kids in their divorces. Even when the wife was not working she still managed to get the kids and the man must pay ridiculous amounts in child support. She is a burden on the welfare system and the ex-husbands wallet. Sympathy is generally reserved for women. The old fashioned attitude that children belong with their mothers is out dated and harmful in some situations. My daughter Emily would agree.

Men are abused by Child Support agencies and courts. Most men not being left with enough of their salaries to be able to live normally. Many men are homeless and living with a friend or relative just to survive and make ends meat. Its a burdening issue for men. They can’t afford to better their education or take time off of work to go to school.

Women can pick and choose when and if they want to be a responsible parent or not with as much as a appointment at an abortion clinic. Men don’t get the option; they are forced. Then if they are unable to pay they get passports, licenses and certifications revoked. Really, how in the hell does that help? It’s wrong to revoke items required to find work. Especially a passport where higher paying employment may be overseas. The gender role system is rigged against men.

I am pro-life. I am against abortion. Now here is something to think about. Women say abortion is a right and a health issue. But if a man doesn’t want a baby he has no choice. He is left liable and responsible for a child he may not want. However the only real issue a woman generally has is the fear of her hips spreading, a fatter ass, a few stretch marks, and responsibility. I think for as long as abortion is an available option for women then Child support for men should also be abolished and only an optional. If a woman can choose if she wants to be responsible or not then men should have that same right as well. Equality right? What about a mans health psychologically or physically?

The only time I would agree with abortion is if it truly is a medical emergency resulting in death, a handy cap birth, or a case of child molestation and endangerment. My mother had me when she was 15 and my brother when she was 20. She never received a dime from either fathers. I know the world will not stop turning.

When will there really be fair and equal treatment for men? I can imagine that there is someone who will read this and think I am wrong as can be. Most likely women will think the worst of me. Most women don’t care about men when they are at the advantage. I know I will catch hell for this. But ask men who are on the suffering end.

Please watch the video. 
Thanks for reading if you made it this far.

David Lee Martin
Functional US army Veteran

Harvesting The Rice

This morning when I woke up and started moving about the house I took a look out the window as usual. I just love seeing nature and this peaceful country side. The province life of the Philippines is so much better and healthier than being in the polluted concrete jungle called Manila. 

I noticed my neighbors were working the rice pad’s.  They are cutting it, stacking for drying, and separating the rice from the plant. It’s not easy work as light as rice seems. It’s a lot of bending over, swinging a blade, stacking, and being under direct sun. For me, if I was doing it, I am sure my back would be killing me.

Rice stacked for drying
Neighbours in the rice paddy

From an upper view the stack of rice looks similar to the shape of a doughnut. The rice that isn’t quite ready remains uncut as seen near the stack. 

Breaking for a moment
Burnt straw

Later they will burn the straw from the rice to return some of the nutrients back into the soil. 

When all the rice is gathered they will separate it under improvised shade made of palm leaves.

Separating the rice under improvised shade

Later they will lay it out again on tarpaulins for the rice to continue hardening in the husk. Some will be saved for seed and the rest will go to the mill and the rice grains will be separated from the husk. This is the Provincial farmers life.

Photos were taken with a Canon EOS 1200D with a Sigma 70-300mm f4-5.6 APO DG MACRO zoom lens with hood. No editing or filters were used other than name and data stamp.

Thanks for reading my blog and viewing my photos. Please follow me here and on Instagram @david_lee_martin. 
David Lee Martin

Functional US Army Veteran

April Flower’s Part 2

Once again I went around our Barangay Agaas taking macro photos of flower and such. Barangay Agaas is part of the Caramoan Municipality in Camarines Sur, Bicol, Philippines. I don’t know thw local or scientific names. I just enjoy them, so here they are. 

Some are very colorful, unique, and stand out. I just like how they can stand out from the background. I used manual focus without the flash. I wanted to isolated the flower from it’s surrounding’s. 

The Camera I used is a Canon EOS 1200D. The lens is a Sigma 70-300mm F4-5.6 APO DG Macro with Hood. No filters were used. No Photoshop either. 

If you like what you see in my photos you can follow me on Instagram: david_lee_martin

As always, thanks for viewing and reading. 
David Lee Martin

Functional US Army Veteran

What is Wildlife Photography?

This is a bit of a rant I guess. I follow photographers on Instagram and on Twitter. I enjoy seeing the work’s of other photographers; the places they go and what they get to experience. I am jealous sometimes, I admit it. 

Eurasian Tree Sparrow, free as a bird 😉

When I observe the post I also look at locations and tags. I have a pet peeve. That is how people tag their images. A bird in an aviary or cage is NOT wildlife. An animal in a zoo is NOT wildlife. It is in captivity. It is imprisoned by walls, screens, netting, and glass. Most are bred into this and have never known the freedom’s of wide open spaces. 
So what is wildlife photography to me? To me wildlife photography is the ability to capture a photo of an animal in its natural habitat. No barriers or restrictions. Where they can run, fly, or swim as far as they want. Doing what they do best without the influence or restrictions of man. 

I don’t have a problem with those who bait birds with seeds and such as long as they aren’t trapping them. You are actually helping the birds sometimes with feeders and baths. 

What set this off was a tweet. A man posted a photo of a couple beautiful parrots a while ago perched on a “T” post with meshing in the background; obviously an aviary. One of the tags he used was #wildlifephotography. I was very annoyed by that. At one time maybe. But in this case no longer. Just because the animal can be found in the wild does not mean that a photo in a zoo or aviary is wildlife. In most cases it is domesticated and lost its fear of humans and natural instincts. 

Rant over. What do you define as wildlife photography? Are you using hash tags? 

Follow me on Instagram. david_lee_martin

As always, thanks for following, reading, and viewing. Yesterday was my one year anniversary here on WordPress. Thanks to all those who read and those who give me feedback. God Bless all.

David Lee Martin

Functional US Army Veteran.

April Flower’s 

I thought I would share some shots of flowers I took this month here in the Philippines. Most of the shots are Macro.

Photo taken with Pentax Model X-5

Photo take with Samsung Galaxy Note 4 mobile phone

Photo taken with a Canon EOS 1200D with a Sigma 70-300mm 4-5.6 APO DG Macro lens
Photo taken with a Canon EOS 1200D with a Sigma 70-300mm 4-5.6 APO DG Macro lens
Photo taken with a Pentax Model X-5

When I get bored I sometimes grab the Camera or what’s always handy, the mobile, and just go for a walk. If I see something of interest that I like I take a photo of it. Living in the Philippines has been at an advantage for seeing a lot of beautiful scenery, flowers, nature, and wildlife. It’s a great place for photographers of many genres. I am still an Amateur photographer and I feel I am improving. I watch “how to” videos and observe the work of other photographers so I can have an Idea of what I want to get out of my shots. I been doing wildlife, macro, and landscapes. Soon I hope to get some portrait practice in that goes beyond selfies.  I dont use photo shop. I use a phone app to pute my name on the pictures. Let me know what you think. I am always open to constructive criticism.

As always, thanks for viewing and reading.

Follow me on Instagram: david_lee_martin
David Lee Martin

Functional US Army Veteran

The Penetential Walk

Today is Good Friday and here in my area of Caramoan the locals have traditional penetential walk. It’s done barefoot from the driveway entrance of my village, Barangay Agaas, to the church in Barangay Tabgon. Just a little over 2 kilometers I think. We started with an opening prayer, a reading, and a blessing at 8:30 am and soon started walking. 

Penetential walk starting point

There were many loyal catholics of all ages who attended. There were easily over a hundred attendees. 

Waiting to start
Jesus will lead the way

The concrete’s texture along the road varied. At times it was smooth, rough, jagged, and almost like loose gravel. It was nearly unforgiving. I kept in my mind that through Christ I can accomplish anything if I put my mind to it. My feet started hurting, small stones stuck into my feet. I developed blisters on the ball on my feet, the heels, and the toes. The last couple hundred yards was quite dreadful to me. Sucks having soft feet now.

Front view
Back view

Because I am tall and long legged the pace for me was super slow but I understand why. We had a lot of elderly and very young with us. It was cool in the shade and the further we went the hotter it had become. I really appreciated the shaded areas. 

Passion of Christ being played out in the streets

At the end the Church had a play of the “Passion of the Christ” going on. Mostly younger church members performing. 

First look at the blisters

It was a good lesson in suffering. It gives us a little glimpse of what Christ went through enroute to be crucified on the Mountain. Of course we will never know the extent of his suffering unless we are too crucified. His sacrifice is understood and I am Thankful. 

Photos were taken with a Samsung Note 4. 

As always, Thank You for viewing and reading. Have a Good Friday!

Instagram: david_lee_martin
David Lee Martin

Functional US Army Veteran